"#include <custom/ccdcustom/vec3.h>" instead of "#include <ccdcustom/vec3.h>"

Issue #42 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello! I have been trying to compile ode 0.15.2.tar.gz and I got the following errors:

../../../libccd/src/ccd.c:21:10: fatal error: 'ccdcustom/vec3.h' file not found #include <ccdcustom/vec3.h>

../../../libccd/src/mpr.c:20:10: fatal error: 'ccdcustom/vec3.h' file not found #include <ccdcustom/vec3.h>

  1. when I change "#include <ccdcustom/vec3.h>" to "#include <ccd/vec3.h>" It passes these places but at the end I still got linker errors.

  2. when I change "#include <ccdcustom/vec3.h>" to "#include custom/ccdcustom/vec3.h" It compiles succefully

Here is my configure options --with-drawstuff=OSX --enable-libccd --enable-double-precision --enable-ou --enable-builtin-threading-imp

Do we need to change it dev branch also?

Comments (5)

  1. Oleh Derevenko Account Deactivated

    The file path with three levels up ("../../../") at begin does not seem to originate from ODE directory structure. Are you using your custom makefile/project?

  2. Alexander Ukhov

    yes, that is right. I did mkdir blabla in ode dir then cd blabla and ../configure ...

    In 0.13v that trick worked for me.

    now, if I do ./configure in ode dir it works

  3. Oleh Derevenko Account Deactivated

    Allright. That seems to be a limitation of the relative include path in the makefiles. I'll have a look how to make it more universal. Thank you for letting know.

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