dWorldQuickStep crashes on very simple program

Issue #49 invalid
Javi San Juan Cervera created an issue

I have written a very simple program on Win32 (using TDM-GCC compiler), with ODE as a static lib and single precision, and it crashes on the call to dWorldQuickStep:

#include <ode/ode.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { dWorldID World = dWorldCreate(); dSpaceID Space = dSimpleSpaceCreate(0); dJointGroupID contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate(0);

dWorldQuickStep(World, 0.05f);

dJointGroupDestroy(contactgroup); dSpaceDestroy(Space); dWorldDestroy(World);

return 0; }

The program is built with the following options:

gcc.exe -m32 -o test.exe main.c -DNDEBUG -DdSINGLE -DODE_LIB -I. -Lode -lode.win32 -lstdc++

I have attached the program, with the lib compiled and a .bat to build the demo and run it.

Comments (5)

  1. Oleh Derevenko Account Deactivated

    Please consult with ODE group at ode-users@googlegroups.com. This is a bug tracking system, not a user assistance forum.

  2. Oleh Derevenko Account Deactivated

    Regarding your case, the library requires initialization. Look through ode/odeinit.h.

  3. Javi San Juan Cervera reporter

    Oh, did't know that group. Thanks a lot for your reply, it's working now! I used ODE many years ago and I think I didn't have to do any initialization back then.

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