demo_collision crashes on startup

Issue #58 resolved
Former user created an issue

It says "Testing batch 1", then I get the error "bad n wrt p3" and then it shuts down.

Comments (13)

  1. Oleh Derevenko

    Please provide more details about your system and how did you build the library and the demos.

  2. Roger Levy

    Windows 10, Intel HD graphics

    Built with the Singles only option (can't remember what it was called) and DLL's only option

    That's all I can recall.

  3. Oleh Derevenko

    Demos lack manifests for UAC elevation in Windows 10. You need to open sources in Visual Studio and comment out the block where it fails.

  4. Oleh Derevenko

    To be honest, there is a big sh#t going on in CRT library on Windows when application console is attempted to be re-created. I wasted several hours today trying to fight this. But I guess I'll fix it after all.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Hello Oleh,

    take a look at the user group, I posted some notes regarding this issue. Basically, compiling with single precision causes the problem and compiling with double precision fixes the issue. Both with visual studio and with codeblocks/mingw.

  6. Roger Levy

    I figured as much regarding singles. The only problem with that is that in the language/compiler I'm using, SwiftForth, it is very inconvenient to use Doubles. (Also, it doesn't support x64 libraries, but I don't know if that is a separate option entirely.)

  7. Oleh Derevenko

    I apologize for my previous replies. Those all were made from my mobile without looking at the code.

    I guess, to fix the problem, it's necessary to define less restrictive error checks for single mode. You can try looking at the actual results you get there and then knowing them we could choose more appropriate error limits.

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