"Smart Review for Jira" data/configuration portability mechanism

Issue #2 new
Rosen Marinkov created an issue


I'm Rosen Marinkov from Botron Software.
It's a pleasure for me to e-meet you!

Part of our portfolio is providing professional JIRA migration services, and we are a trusted provider for over 1000 companies.

Over 3000 companies are currently using our "Configuration Manager for JIRA" add-on in order to migrate data between their JIRA instances.

For our clients, data and add-ons portability between different JIRA instances is crucial functionality.

We would like to know if your add-on has a data/configuration portability mechanism so it can easily be migrated between different JIRA instances so we could refer it to our customers?

Best Regards
Rosen Marinkov

Enterprise Solutions Manager | Botron Software
E Rossen.Marinkov@botronsoft.com
w www.botronsoft.com

Comments (3)

  1. Олег Ефимов repo owner

    Hello Rosen,

    Smart Review for Jira Add-On uses Jira OOTB project application links to connect to Crucible. Workflow extenstions (post-functions, validators) are stored as part of Jira OOTB workflow configuration.

    Smart Review for Fisheye/Crucible uses OOTB Plugin Settings API (from SAL) to store its settings.

    So both of the add-ons should be perfectly usable after migration.



  2. Rosen Marinkov reporter

    Hello Oleg,

    Thank you for the provided answer!

    Actually, we recently launched a new technology called Apps SPI (Service Provider Interface), which will allow 3'rd party vendors add-ons to become fully portable via "Configuration Manager."

    Currently, our "Configuration Manager" add-on is used by over 3000 enterprise-class companies for which data portability is crucial functionality in order to move data between their
    Test-Staging-Production environments easy on a daily basis.

    We could confirm that those vendors that already implemented the Apps SPI technology into their add-ons have noticeable market share increases.

    Implementing the Apps SPI will give not just a great value to you and your customers, but will include your company and product in various marketing activities.

    We have an Integration Partners Page, dedicated to those partners, who implemented the SPI. The type of information listed there is:

    250 char company description

    hi-res company logo

    link to your preferred destination page

    Botron will release social and blog posts when you are SPI-Ready to announce and promote it to our/your audiences.

    You could see some of our customers here:

    You could see some of our integration partners:

    SPI Technology Technical Article:

    SPI Technology Blog post:

    Best Regards
    Rosen Marinkov

    Enterprise Solutions Manager | Botron Software
    E Rossen.Marinkov@botronsoft.com
    w www.botronsoft.com

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