Port to jbuilder

#1 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in grudi/libsvm-ocaml/jbuilder (pull request #1)

7f347ed·Author: ·Closed by: ·2017-09-04


Following the ticket here https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder/issues/248 I've decided to give porting this to jbuilder a try. I ended up doing some other stuff that I think is beneficial however.

  • Change core_kernel dependency to base. This massively reduces the dependency profile and we only need to duplicate a single trivial function from core_kernel itself.

  • Vendor libsvm. On archlinux, libsvm can only be installed through AUR and isn't installed to an include that was compatible with the stubs here. To solve this problem I decided to simply vendor the entire library. The library itself is tiny and I'm sure this will decrease the installation issues for all users at very little maintenance burden for us.

  • Since the lib is c++, we need to put our stubs in a cpp file as well. Seems like jbuilder doesn't support both kinds of types in the same project. I will investigate this issue further, but it seems like my workaround is good enough.

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