
OICP 2.1 Pull EVSE Data | XML

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Revised by Julius Poessnecker 50a1d87
The eRoamingPullEvseData request allows an EMP to download all available EVSE data records of all currently registered CPOs. The EVSE data records will be grouped by their CPO origin and carry an additional timestamp attribute, which indicates the timestamp of the last server-side database operation on this record.
The result set of PullEvseData requests can be limited by either adding a search center (geo coordinate and radius) or by specifying the timestamp of the last request (mutual exclusive). If a timestamp was given, all EVSE data records will include an additional deltaType attribute having one of the following values:
•	update The EVSE data record was updated since the given timestamp.
•	insert A new EVSE data record since the given timestamp.
•	delete The EVSE data record was removed since the given timestamp.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv     = ""
                  xmlns:EVSEData    = ""
                  xmlns:CommonTypes = "">




         <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->

               <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 3 items at this level. All are WGS84.-->

                  <!-- latitude longitude: -?1?\d{1,2}\.\d{1,6}\s*\,?\s*-?1?\d{1,2}\.\d{1,6} -->
                  <CommonTypes:Coordinates>50.931844 11.625214</CommonTypes:Coordinates>

                  <!-- -?1?\d{1,2}\.\d{1,6} -->
                  <CommonTypes:Latitude >50.931844</CommonTypes:Latitude>

                  <!-- -?1?\d{1,2}°[ ]?\d{1,2}'[ ]?\d{1,2}\.\d+'' -->
                  <CommonTypes:Longitude>11° 37' 30.7704''</CommonTypes:Longitude>
                  <CommonTypes:Latitude >50° 55' 54.6384''</CommonTypes:Latitude>


            <!-- km ####.# is defined, but only #### seems to be accepted -->





<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv     = ""
                  xmlns:EVSEData    = ""
                  xmlns:CommonTypes = "">



            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
               <EVSEData:EvseDataRecord deltaType="update|insert|delete" lastUpdate="?">









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