/** * Initiate a remote reservation of the given charging session at the given EVSE * and for the given Provider/eMAId. * * @param Timestamp The timestamp of the request. * @param RoamingNetworkId The unique identification for the roaming network. * @param SessionId The unique identification for this charging session. * @param PartnerSessionId The unique identification for this charging session on the partner side. * @param ProviderId The unique identification of the e-mobility service provider. * @param eMAId The unique identification of the e-mobility account. * @param EVSEId The unique identification of an EVSE. * @param ChargingProductId The unique identification of the choosen charging product at the given EVSE. * @return A remote start result object. */publicRemoteReservationStartResultInvoke(InstantTimestamp,RoamingNetwork_IdRoamingNetworkId,ChargingSession_IdSessionId,ChargingSession_IdPartnerSessionId,EVSP_IdProviderId,eMA_IdeMAId,EVSE_IdEVSEId,ChargingProduct_IdChargingProductId);/** * Register an event callback for incoming remote start requests. * * @param RemoteStartHandler an implementation of the remote start functional interface. */publicvoidOnRemoteReservationStart(IRemoteReservationStartRemoteReservationStartHandler){...}
CPOServerHubjectCPOServer=newCPOServer(RoamingNetwork_Id.Parse("Playground"));HubjectCPOServer.OnRemoteReservationStart((Timestamp,RoamingNetworkId,SessionId,PartnerSessionId,ProviderId,eMAId,EVSEId,ChargingProductId)->{System.out.println("["+Timestamp.toString()+"] RemoteStart in '"+RoamingNetworkId.toString()+"' from '"+ProviderId.toString()+"' for '"+eMAId.toString()+"' at '"+EVSEId.toString()+"' / '"+ChargingProductId.toString()+"'");returnRemoteReservationStartResult.Success;});
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