
OICP 2.1 Pull EVSE Status by ID | XML

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Revised by Gregor Schermuly c19c121
The PullEvseStausById request can be used as an alternative to the PullEvseStaus request. In contrast to this request, it expects a list of EVSE Ids as input and will return a list of key value pairs having the EVSE Id as key and the current EVSE status as value. Unknown EVSE Ids will have the status EVSENotFound. A maximum of 100 EVSE Ids can be send per request. Concurrent requests are possible.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv    = ""
                  xmlns:EVSEStatus = "">




         <!--1 to 100 repetitions:-->

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv     = ""
                  xmlns:EVSEStatus  = ""
                  xmlns:CommonTypes = "">




           <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->










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