Error when executing on a batch config file

Issue #5 resolved
Wei JIANG created an issue

Please check the attached files. Thanks! Wei

Comments (5)

  1. Chase Tingley

    Hi Wei,

    I tried to reproduce this with a recent build of longhorn, and I don't get an error. The batch config executes and I get a charlist.txt file that contains the output below.

    Please look in the tomcat logs for an error trace that will provide more information. catalina.out should contain the most recent log output.

    Here's the charlist.txt output:

    U+006E  'n' 1
    U+0057  'W' 1
    U+0054  'T' 1
    U+0069  'i' 2
    U+0067  'g' 1
    U+0065  'e' 2
    U+0020  ' ' 1
    U+0061  'a' 1
    U+004A  'J' 1
    U+0074  't' 1
    U+0073  's' 1
  2. Wei JIANG reporter

    Hi Chase, I have just found out about this issue on my side. It is due to a call or something related to, which is banned in China.

  3. Chase Tingley

    Hi Wei,

    Ah, interesting. The Longhorn app loads the JQuery javascript library from Google's content network, so without that some of the JS will break.

    Loading common libraries from a hosted location is a pretty common practice, so I am sure the same thing can be done in China without using Google. It looks like Baidu might host the same library here:

    Are you building longhorn from source? If so, the reference to google is in longhorn-app/src/main/webapp/okapi-longhorn-sample-js-client.html:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    You could change that line to point to another host, then rebuild the application.

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