Tikal -seg option doesn't work

Issue #1030 resolved
Former user created an issue

I tried that option but can't see any difference when compared without the -seg option

./tikal.sh -x ~/me/sample-files/calibre.docx -seg ~/Documents/default.srx -tl id

the custom srx file is attached

Comments (7)

  1. ysavourel
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    It seems to work Ok for me.

    See the attached .XLF produced from the attached .doxx file with your SRX file and the same command-line.
    The segment markers delimit properly the few sentences of the paragraph.
    Maybe the input file you have tested doesn’t have several sentences in the same paragraph?

  2. Handika D

    oh I see. so instead of creating a new source tag, it’s delimited by `<mrk>` tags rather , right?

  3. Handika D

    then hours later after I examined the xliff again I notice unwanted thing. that's the id value of <g> is not reset to 1 on every subsequent <mrk> s.

    <seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg">Here is some <g id="1">bold, </g><g id="2">italic, <g id="3">bold-italic, </g></g><g id="4">underlined </g>and <g id="5">struck out </g> text.</mrk><mrk mid="1" mtype="seg"> Then, we have a super<g id="6">script</g> and a sub<g id="7">script</g>.</mrk><mrk mid="2" mtype="seg"> Now we see some <g id="8">red</g>, <g id="9">green</g> and <g id="10">blue</g> text.</mrk><mrk mid="3" mtype="seg"> Some text with a <g id="11">yellow highlight</g>.</mrk><mrk mid="4" mtype="seg"> Some text in a <g id="12">box</g>.</mrk><mrk mid="5" mtype="seg"> Some text in <g id="13">inverse video</g>.</mrk></seg-source>

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