Translation Kit Post Processing fails when special characters in file name present

Issue #465 closed
Sebastian Ebert created an issue

Reproduction: * Create new project in Rainbow * Add files with the following file names: * testfile-.docx * testfile$234.docx * Create translation package (e.g. for OmegaT) * Create target files * Run Post Processing on the project

The following error messages come up:

=== Start process Input: /C:/Users/xxx/manifest.rkm Merging: 20 Arbeitsordner/testfile-.docx ERROR: Existing file could not be overwritten.

Error count: 1, Warning count: 0 Process duration: 0h 0m 1s 110ms === End process

=== Start process Input: /C:/Users/xxx/manifest.rkm Merging: 20 Arbeitsordner/testfile$234.docx ERROR: Existing file could not be overwritten.

Error count: 1, Warning count: 0 Process duration: 0h 0m 1s 72ms === End process

In fact no target file ever existed. If I cancel out the "$" and the "-" from the file names, everything runs smoothly.

It seems that the special characters cause problems. Those are only test cases. There might be other problems with & ! ~ etc.

Using Rainbow 1.7.0_45 on Windows 7

Comments (4)

  1. ysavourel

    I have tried same filenames and folders and, so far, I could not reproduce the problem. (I'm on Windows 8, maybe that makes a difference). I'll run more tries.

  2. Sebastian Ebert reporter

    It's really strange. I just tried to reproduce it and it did not occur again. I will keep an eye on it.

    So if you can't reproduce it either, please close it.

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