Tables in MIF not being output by MIF Filter

Issue #609 new
Phillip Hall created an issue

I have downloaded the most recent version of Okapi tools (M32) which has support for MIF15 files.

I have found that some tables in the MIF files (10 or 15) are not being output to the XLF file by Rainbow. The tables are in the MIF file and when reconverted back, the tables appear again (but of course the text has not been translated as it was not output in the XLF file).

When converting, I am using the standard Okapi MIF filter with no modifications and the language pairs are Japanese to US English (I select UTF-8 for the file formatting). The MIF file just has the Japanese that needs to be translated in the English file.

I have two MIF (MIF10) files in which have problems with the tables. I have attached a zip file with these and PDF files. 99_Appendix_EfromtransonlyMIF10 missing all tables.mif 05_SystemSetting_E missing text from second table in xlf tables only clean.mif

In the 99 file, all of the tables are missing from the XLF file. In the 05 file, the first table is present but the second table is missing from the XLF file. I have also included PDF files which shows the file contents (for those without Framemaker) with the problems marked.

I am not sure of the level for this so I marked it as minor but it is pretty major concerning MIF files. Basically if a MIF file has a table, Rainbow cannot be used reliably.

Comments (3)

  1. ysavourel

    The issue is in the MIF Filter rather than Rainbow.

    It seems the missing tables are skipped because they don't get listed in the tables list when gathering the data to extract. And that seems to be because their <ATbl reference is not detected properly when looking for it inside a <ParaLine.

  2. Chase Tingley

    I'm surprised this hasn't been filed before, since I think this bug has been around for a while.

    I've dealt with this problem before outside out Okapi and it's a minor nightmare. The tables are declared at the top of the file and then included by reference. They can also be included by reference inside Frames, which are also declared at the top of the file and themselves included by reference. The context at each inclusion point needs to be carefully tracked to make sure that hidden/conditional text is handled properly. It's very easy to miss tables (or to expose hidden ones), as a result.

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