
#502 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in docbook (pull request #502)

6e3a107·Author: ·Closed by: ·2021-03-23


This is the first attempt to implement issue #1036. It adds a new configuration id okf_xml-docbook to ITS based XML filter, that is tailored to process docbook files. WIth the file configuration ID, ITS Filter can extract docbook files properly. Specifically, inline elements such as <emphasis> are handled properly so that they won’t break a paragraph (<para>).

Known issue:

  • If segmentation is used, placeholders in the second and later segments will disappear after the merge. This is a generic issue not specific to the docbook implementation, and will be addressed later.

  • The <footnote> element should start a subflow text, but it doesn’t. It instead break the paragraph that includes <footnote>. This is caused by issue #1041.


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