Protect locked="yes" segments in SDL-XLIFF filter

Issue #21 new
Никита Майнагашев created an issue

Is that possible to treat locked="yes" segments in sdlxliff's differently by showing them, but protecting them from editing?


Comments (2)

  1. Chase Tingley

    Hi May,

    Can you provide some additional info about what your process is and what tool you are using to edit the SDLXLIFF file?

    (This bug does make me wonder if all of our steps that modify TU content obey the lock flag, though...)

  2. Никита Майнагашев reporter

    Hi Chase,

    I'm using OmegaT with Okapi filter to open end edit sdlxliff's. So I wonder if there's a way to differentiate locked segments from the rest of the content.

    BTW it's locked="true", not "yes"

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