Improve tags conversion to match OmegaT tags better

Issue #35 new
ysavourel created an issue

From Manuel:

Here comes a bit of a follow-up about this. The problem is not going to go away on its own... ;)

It seems there are a number of differences to overcome. If I don't overlook anything, they are:

  • different style (opening/closing versus standalone)

  • different letter displayed in the tag

  • different numbering (starting at 1 or 0)

Perhaps instead of addressing the whole problem and all the parts at the same time, it makes more sense to decompose the problem and tackle one thing at a time.

For example, if both filters could agree to have, say, the same first digit in the numbering (either 0 or 1 for both filters), perhaps that's a small change that can be easily implemented but it's already a first step that would be helpful.

Comments (1)

  1. Manuel Souto Pico

    Thanks, Yves. To illustrate the different number issue, I am attaching a screenshot that shows the same JSON content prepared as XLIFF using Rainbow (on the left) and extracted directly in OmegaT using the Okapi filter. As you can see the numbering of tags is different. When using the final TM from one project in the other project, matches' score will be lower than 100% for segment with tags even though the source text is identical. I am sure this is a very trivial fix, it should be a matter of adding +1 somewhere.

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