Translation displayed as source text if state="final" with Okapi XLIFF filter

Issue #51 new
Manuel Souto Pico created an issue


An OmegaT project containing a translated XLIFF file.
In one translation unit, the translation has state "final"

      <trans-unit id="59122858" translate="yes" approved="yes">
        <source xml:lang="en-ZZ">foo</source>
        <target xml:lang="ja-JP" state="final">bar</target>

Steps to reproduce

Open the project.

Expected results

  1. The source text is the source text, e.g. "foo"
  2. The translation "looks" protected (as a tag)
  3. The translation is not editable (like a tag)
  4. The target file has the final translation (same as the source file).

Actual results

  1. The translation is displayed as the source text, e.g. "bar"
  2. As expected.
  3. The translation is editable.
  4. As expected.

Issue 1 is more major. Issue 3 is minor.


Project package attached. 1

  1. You can unpack that project package from OmegaT if you install the OMT plugin or you can simply unzip the OMT package. 

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