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XLIFF Toolkit / Validation


<Table of Content>

The library implements the Validation module. From a file, a group or a unit, you can call hasValidation() to see if the object holds one or more validation rule (set directly on the object or inherited). A call to getValidation() will return a Validation object (even if there are currently no entries). That object holds a list of Rule objects which contains all the information about the corresponding <rule> element in the parent object.

For example the following code adds a new rule on a unit's validation object. The rule tests if the target text ends with a character ':':

// Create a validation rule and add it
Validation validation = unit.getValidation();
validation.add(new Rule("endsWith", ":"));

// Verify if the rules are respected
List<Issue> issues = validation.processRules(unit, "f1");
if ( issues == null ) {
   System.out.println("No rule found.");
else if ( issues.isEmpty() ) {
   System.out.println("No validation rule error found.");
else {
   System.out.println("One or more validation errors found:");
   for ( Issue issue : issues ) {
      System.out.println("-- "+issue.getText());
