A failure to connect error isn't reported

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue


C:\Python27\Scripts>ping jira.xxxsomeURLxxx.com Ping request could not find host jira.xxxsomeURLxxx.com. Please check the name and try again.

C:\Python27\Scripts>python jira-bulk-loader.py -H jira.xxxsomeURLxxx.com -U user -P pass myNewJIRAs.txt Parsing task list.. Validating tasks.. Creating tasks.. === The following structure will be created ===



The tool needs to clearly specify the failure to connect error and the error reason (eg Can't connect to host <hostname>, 404 not found <url> etc).

I wasn't aware that the REST API was only available on JIRA 5.0 and above. - I tried connecting to a JIRA 4.4 installation with no real way of knowing what went wrong!

Comments (1)

  1. Oktopuz repo owner


    It actually reports error if the provided template contains at least one task. For instance:

    $ jira-bulk-loader.py -U user -P password -H jira.xxxsomeURLxxx.com valid.template 
    Parsing task list..
    Validating tasks..
    [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known: http://jira.xxxsomeURLxxx.com
    $ jira-bulk-loader.py -U user -P password -H www.google.com valid.template 
    Parsing task list..
    Validating tasks..
    The username 'assignee' and the project 'JIRA' can not be validated.
    Jira response: Error 404, http://www.google.com/rest/api/2/user/assignable/search?username=assignee&project=JIRA

    If the template does not contain any tasks, jira-bulk-loader.py will not connect to JIRA, thereby no error will be reported.

    $ jira-bulk-loader.py -U user -P password -H jira.xxxsomeURLxxx.com empty.template 
    Parsing task list..
    Validating tasks..
    Creating tasks..
    ===  The following structure will be created ===
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