AIM - Sorting project list by extending overview project list

Issue #14 resolved
mealea.schaefer created an issue

Current behavior

Please describe the current behavior how you observed it

Project only possible to sort by name.

Target Behavior

Please describe what is the target behavior after issue is resolved

Projects can be sorted additionally by e.g.

  • category
  • creation date
  • final date (end of project, set inactive)

Advantage: selected monitoring and reporting possible

Steps to reproduce the bug or verify feature implemented

Please describe in detail the steps to reproduce the bug or how the new feature should look and feel after a successful implementation

not specified

Links to videos & images showing issue

If too large to upload here in issue tracker, please provide links here

Would like to initiate a paid mini project to resolve issue


Comments (5)

  1. Simon Ertl Account Deactivated
    • changed status to open

    @{5da9ec4f8cc4310c2c0d24c9} thanks for raising this. we will discuss internally.

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