Admin Accounts can't see synonyms in the entity overview if the don't own the project

Issue #22 resolved
Thomas Hintersteiner created an issue

Current behavior

Please describe the current behavior how you observed it

  • if you login with an account that has the admin-role but is not owner of a/the project, you can’t see synonyms in the entities-overview

Target Behavior

Please describe what is the target behavior after issue is resolved

  • you should see synonyms in the entities overview even if you are not the owner of a project

Steps to reproduce the bug or verify feature implemented

Please describe in detail the steps to reproduce the bug or how the new feature should look and feel after a successful implementation

  1. login with an account, that has the admin role but is not the owner of a project and open the entities overview

Would like to initiate a paid mini project to resolve issue


Comments (2)

  1. Gabriel Amarista Rodrigues

    Hello Thomas,

    I believe there is a misunderstanding.
    The owner of the “Vera Schulung” project is not you “Thomas Hintersteiner” but “admin”.

    You can see this in the main view under the column “Owner”.

    However, you, as a non-owner can see the synonyms without an issue.

    The issue is that the admin needs to be added to the project if (s)he pretends to modify it or work with it.

    Best regards,

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