AIM - INTENT SECTION - Use of variables in responses

Issue #5 resolved
Lukas Theo Beck created an issue

Current behavior

I as an user wants to use variables in responses. But there is no information how to use variables and which variables are available in this intent. Variables (values in the parameter list as part of the context) are not visible in this section. Additionally its not really clear that I have to use # and not $ (used for the value in the parameter section in the edit screen for intents.

Target Behavior

I as an user wants a hint/help text which tells me that variables can be used by typing “#”+”context name”+”.”+”name of the parameter list”

In the input field for “responses” I want a type ahead function which supports me. This should be done by:

type “#” and automatically a list (drop down) appears and shows all in this intent existing variables grouped by the name of the parameter list. E.g. slack with “@” and a list of users appears.

Steps to reproduce the bug or verify feature implemented

Try to add a variable into a response as part of an intent.

Links to videos & images showing issue

Try it in slack or other modern web GUIs.

Would like to initiate a paid mini project to resolve issue

No, this features pays off by itself. Think about how often do you stop during editing of an intent because you have to check: “damm, whats the name of it!? was it #param.birthday #param.date_of_birth? Fuck!?” - how fast would be to create really cool responses if such a feature is implemented. 😉

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Rath

    Thanks @Lukas Theo Beck for reporting. Yes this feature is now already implemented and will come with AIM v2.1.0. We are in the testing phase of this feature. Good point!

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