OP-2687 no keyring settings page

#586 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in sonea/openattic/OP-2687-no-keyring-settings-page (pull request #586)

bd60cd8·Author: ·2017-10-02


Fixed the accessibility of the settings page by integrating the oA module status check into the oA Ceph app. The oA module status check will check if all preconditions of the oA Ceph module are reached before opening a page that is related to the module.

Because the oA Ceph status check has NOT been added to the settings page, the settings page will be accessible either with or without valid keyring file.

Signed-off-by: Tatjana Dehler tdehler@suse.com

CHANGELOG: * Backend: The settings page will be accessible even if no valid keyring file was found automatically (OP-2687)

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