add roUser condition

#1 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

Hi Christophe, My name is Yoram Halberstam, I am an architect on OpenESB projects and had the pleasure to review your pull request. First of all thank you for your dedication to our community, We really would like to evaluate your changes before merging with the master. As such we have decline your pull request but created a branch so could you make another pull request on the OCE-462-add-user-role-in-the-web-console branch. We have also created a ticket in our Jira for the task OCE-462. Please merge your changes with the branch before requesting the pull request. Let me know if you have any issue. Sincerely Yoram Halberstam

Closed by: ·2020-06-08


console en Read-only. creation de compte roUser ajout de condition sur les controles NG

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