Basic - 3.1. What is conversion? What benefit comes if it will be increased?

Issue #133 resolved
hideki nara created an issue

Minor issue.

Draft 13 says:

"... To increase conversion, a site may elect to only request a subset of the information from the UserInfo Endpoint. ...."

I'd like to know more about "conversion".

I think that this paragraph describes about End User and UserInfo Endpoint can select claims to be returned to the Client. Is it right?

Comments (9)

  1. John Bradley

    Conversion is perhaps a marketing term referring to the number of visitors to the site that successfully login.

    The lower the barrier to logging in the more people do.

    Sometimes asking for too much info from a first time visitor causes them not to login.

    How much info the RP asks for needs to be balanced against the number of people logging in.

    I will change conversion to successful logins by first time visitors.

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