Standard - 4.2.1. response_type and Flow pattern matrix should be declared.

Issue #166 resolved
hideki nara created an issue

As I properly understand, there is no hybrid flow in which "code in query" and "tokens in fragment" for single response.

If it is right, I think that "response_type=code" is the only case for Code Flow.

Or can OP + User return only code in the response for a "response_type=code id_token" request and ask RP to get ID Token from token endpoint?

But omitting ID Token in response must means that End User or OP rejected returning ID Token.

Comments (2)

  1. John Bradley

    This was confusing and the encoding of the response belongs in response.

    code on it's own is valid the id_token comes from the token endpoint, that is the only case where the response is in a query parameter rather than the fragment. Those lines are removed.

    ALL other combinations result in fragment encoding.

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