Messages - 2.1.2 nonce definition differs from Standard and Basic

Issue #421 invalid
Edmund Jay created an issue

The definition for nonce in Messages is {{{ REQUIRED. A random, unique string value used to mitigate replay attacks. }}} In Standard & Basic, it's {{{ nonce A string value used to associate a browser session with a id_token, and to mitigate replay attacks. The value is passed through unmodified to the ID Token. One method is to store a random value as a signed session cookie, and pass the value in the nonce paramater. The nonce in the returned id_token is compared to the signed session cookie to detect id_token replay by third parties. }}}

Should Messages be updated to be in sync with the other specs?

Comments (5)

  1. Nat Sakimura

    In addition:

    Edmund - You are looking at an old copy. There is no "browser" in the spec now. Compile new HTML from the source XML.

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