Messages - "id_token" member iso29115 def

Issue #466 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

is29115 just defines levels 1,2,3,4.

Each "domain"/"trust frameworks" should map these to their respective authn context.

The current text goes:

{{{ iso29115 OPTIONAL. (entity authentication assurance): Specifies the X.1254 / ISO/IEC29115 [ISO29115] entity authentication assurance level that is requested by the Client. The Claim Value in the request is a object containing the element value. The element value contains an array of string values in order of preference. }}}

Proposal: {{{ iso29115 OPTIONAL. (entity authentication assurance): Specifies the ITU-T X.1254 | ISO/IEC29115 [ISO29115] entity authentication assurance level that is requested by the Client. The element "values" is a numeric array containing all or subset of 1,2,3,4 appearing in order of preference. }}}

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