Messages, Standard - Define self issued OP mechanism

Issue #566 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Turn the white board diagram at RSA to text.

Comments (9)

  1. Nat Sakimura reporter

    Here is a rendition of the whiteboard photo:

    token id_token flow
    Auth openid:string
    client_id Real URI
    UserInfo Real URI
    user_id public key Base64
    access token JWS
  2. Nat Sakimura reporter
    • changed status to open

    After having thought a little, I have a problem with user_id as being base64url encoded public key. It probably is going to be too large for many RPs to fit into their database field.

    Instead, I would propose base64url_encode(sha1(public key)) as user_id and sending public key in a separate field.

  3. John Bradley

    I would be more comfortable staying away from SHA1.

    1. The sender would create a 2048 bit RSA key pair for the RP.

    2. The JWT would contain a JWK claim containing the public key.

    "user_jwk": {
            "mod": "0vx7agoebGcQSuuPiLJXZptN9nndrQmbXEps2aiAFbWhM78LhWx

    3. Make the value of user_id a base64 encoded SHA256 hash of the concatenated mod and exp values.

    4. Make the value of "iss":""

    When a RP gets an assertion. It might use the check_id endpoint for the issuer. So the check_id endpoint for can validate the assertion.

    If directly validating the RP. Looks at iss. If it is "" take the user_jwk from the assertion and validate the signature, if that validates hash the concatenation of mod and exp and compare to user_id if they match the assertion is good.

    If the issuer is not "" look up the issuer and validate the signature based on the known public key.

    The question is if we should use the same trick to put the user_info contents into the access token or another token.

    The user_id claim would be validated by the RP in the same way.

  4. Axel Nennker

    The check_id endpoint is gone as per today.

    We need a way to detect that the assertion is self issued.

    This could be the presense of "user_jwk" or e.g. something in "acr" which might be REQUIRED for self issued assertions.

    "acr" : { "values" : ["self-issued"] }

    Or we could put the user_jwk into the acr as well like

    "acr" : { "values" : ["self-issued"], "user_jwk" : {....} }

    To detect whether an assertion is self issued an RP would first look at acr (if present)

  5. Nat Sakimura reporter

    So, John's proposal to indicate that it is an self-issued idp was that


    Are you suggesting that in addition to it, it should indicate it in the 'acr'?

  6. John Bradley

    The remaining comment was addressed in section 3 of the implicit profile. The self issue info needs to be added to Messages and the other specs.

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