Basic - Use grant type code instead of implicit grant

Issue #567 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

I would suggest to change the Basic Client Profile to use authorization codes instead of the implicit grant. In my opinion, code has the following advantages: - It is simpler to implement for web applications. - It is better suited for mobile apps because of the support for refresh tokens. - The ability to transmit large user data chunks over a back channel instead of the front channel is beneficially for mobile web applications, which most likely run on high latency, low bandwitdh network connections. - It is more secure due to the transmission of longer-lasting secrets via back channels only.

Comments (4)

  1. Nat Sakimura

    Code is better for simple client as it is easier to secure, and also supports refresh token for offline access, which is usually required.

    Easiest to implement in the widest audience should be the default.

    Consensus on Code.

    Maintain the implicit profile subject to change, e.g., deployment guide.

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