General - removal of symmetric signatures for id tokens

Issue #571 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

I think the spec could benefit from removing support for symmetric signatures and support asymmetric signatures, only. RPs (even public clients) could validate signatures based on the AS's public key. Interop would benefit because of the reduced numbers of algorithms, security would benefit because of the limited applicability of symmetric signatures (two parties only!). Moreover, dual use of client secrets for authentication on the AS (original use case) and creation/validation of digital signatures would put to an end.

Comments (7)

  1. Nat Sakimura


    Symmetric sigs as specified now does not add any value.

    Propose a new binding / sig scheme for symmetric for the use cases that requires.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    As brought up in meeting: pass by reference "any signatures as supported by JWS"

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