JWE - GCM Authentication Tag in JWE compact format

Issue #580 resolved
Edmund Jay created an issue

The JWE spec specifies the compact format as "{JWE Header}.{JWE Encrypted Key}.{JWE Ciphertext}.{JWE Integrity Value}"

For AEAD algorithms such as A(128/256)GCM, the JWE Integrity Value should be the empty string.

According to NIST SP800-38D, the encryption algorithm is as follows :

{{{ Algorithm 4: GCM-AEK (IV, P, A) Prerequisites: approved block cipher CIPH with a 128-bit block size; key K; definitions of supported input-output lengths; supported tag length t associated with the key.

Input: initialization vector IV (whose length is supported); plaintext P (whose length is supported); additional authenticated data A (whose length is supported).

Output: ciphertext C; authentication tag T.

Steps: 1. Let H = CIPHK(0128). 2. Define a block, J0, as follows: If len(IV)=96, then let J0 = IV || 031 ||1. If len(IV) ≠ 96, then let s = 128 ⎡len(IV)/128⎤-len(IV), and let J0=GHASHH(IV||0s+64||[len(IV)]64). 3. Let C=GCTRK(inc32(J0), P). 4. .... (see sp800-38d algorithm 4)

7. Return (C, T). }}}

It doesn't say that C and T is returned as one blob or in some sort of structured data, so it seems that there are 2 separate values returned, C and T. If that is the case, I think C and T should be base64url encoded and used as the JWE CipherText and JWE Integrity Value respectively.

On a side note, the decryption function lists C and T as separate input values, which leads to the assumption that the encryption function produces 2 separate values.

Also, we need to specify the size of T in bits and if any additional authenticated data (A) needs to be added.

We can add some text similar to that used by XML Encryption at http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/CR-xmlenc-core1-20110303/#sec-AES-GCM

Comments (4)

  1. Nat Sakimura

    The bit length of the tag, denoted t, is a security parameter, as discussed in Appendix B. In general, t may be any one of the following five values: 128, 120, 112, 104, or 96. For certain applications, t may be 64 or 32; guidance for the use of these two tag lengths, including requirements on the length of the input data and the lifetime of the key in these cases, is given in Appendix C of SP-800-38D.

    XML Dsig uses 128. We should just as well use 128.

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