Registration - 2.2.1 client_secret should not be REQUIRED

Issue #632 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

In the Response, currently it says:

{{{ client_secret REQUIRED. The Client secret. This MUST be unique for each client_id. }}}

Since the client may be a public client, client_secret should not be REQUIRED. It is only REQUIRED if the client type is confidential.

Note: If the client only uses implicit flow (such as self-issued), the client is a public client.

Comments (6)

  1. Michael Jones

    We should add some rationale for why a client_secret is present even for public clients.

    We should also state that this is a requirement for the server to send a client_secret - not a requirement that the client use it.

  2. Michael Jones

    We could eliminate the symmetric client secret for the registration endpoint by using an access token. The client_secret would then be optional, depending upon the client type.

  3. John Bradley

    The new logigic is:

    Access token is optional for client_associate. Clients get a access token in client_associate and rotate_secret. They use that access token to perform rotate_secret and client_update

    client_secret is now optional

    I eliminated client_id from the request as it is now implicit in the access token.

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