JWT - intermediate audience claim

Issue #636 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

'On behalf of' and 'user of the token' should be extremely useful. The former can be prn. We do not have anything for the later. That would solve the problem of one of the Agency that I know of.

Comments (13)

  1. Nat Sakimura reporter
    • changed status to open

    Ok. This is getting to somewhere more complex than I expected. What I was proposing was just to add a simple claim 'reg', standing for "registered to", which shows to whom it was issued to. This will allow HoK etc. in a very very simple manner. It is much less complex than delegation cases in general. I will create a new ticket for this simple proposal, and leave this ticket deal with more complex cases.

  2. Nat Sakimura reporter

    Concrete proposal: There are two types: Brief one, and more specified one.

    (Option 1) Really brief one

    4.1.9. "reg" (Registered to) Claim
    The "reg" (registered to) claim is the Client ID of the user of the 
    JWT that the audience is able to identify the client with. 
    This claim is OPTIONAL.

    (Option 2) Brief one

    Add the following to the JWT.

    4.1.9. "reg" (Registered to) Claim
    The "reg" (registered to) claim identifies the client that the JWT is 
    intended for. The client intended to use the JWT MUST be 
    identified by the audience with the value of this claim.
    The "reg" value is a case sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value.
    This claim is OPTIONAL. If the principal processing the claim does not 
    identify the user of the JWT with the identifier in the "reg" claim value, 
    then the JWT MUST be rejected. The interpretation of the registered to 
    value is generally application specific.

    (Option 3) More specified one

    Add the following to the JWT.

    4.1.9. "reg" (Registered to) Claim
    The "reg" (registered to) claim identifies the client that the JWT is 
    intended for. The client intended to use the JWT MUST be 
    identified by the audience with the value of this claim.
    The "reg" value is a case sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value.
    This claim is OPTIONAL. If the principal processing the claim does not 
    identify the user of the JWT with the identifier in the "reg" claim value, 
    then the JWT MUST be rejected. The interpretation of the registered to 
    value is generally application specific.
    A typical example of a registered to claim includes following: 
    * A base64url encoded JWK. 
    * A base64url encoded DER. 
    * A URL that points to the key material that the audience can use to 
      authenticate the user of the JWT. 
    * client_id that the audience can use to authenticate and 
      identify the client.
    4.1.10 "rct" (Registered to claim type)
    The "rct" (Registered to claim type) identifies the type of the "reg" claim. 
    It is a StringOrURI value. The defined values are the following:
    "jwk" The value of the "reg" claim is a base64url encoded JWK of 
    the registered client.
    "x5u" The value of the "reg" claim is the URL that points to the public 
    key certificate of the registered client. The format of the content 
    that x5u points to is described in section 4.1.4 of the JSON Web Signature.
    "client_id" The value of the "reg" claim is the Client ID of the client 
    that the audience of the JWT is able to use to authenticate the client.

    Alternatively, they can be added to Table 1 of the Messages, but I think it is general enough that it should live in JWT.

  3. Nat Sakimura reporter

    Amended text. Will post the longest version to the OAuth list, as cutting down is generally easier than adding in the list.

    4.1.9. "cid" Client Identification Data Claim
    The "cid" (client identification data) claim allows the receiver 
    of the JWT to identify the entity that the JWT is 
    intended to be used by. The audience of the JWT MUST be 
    able to identify the client with the value of this claim.
    The "cid" value is a case sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value.
    This claim is OPTIONAL. If the entity processing the claim does not 
    identify the user of the JWT with the identifier in the "cid" claim value, 
    then the JWT MUST be rejected. The interpretation of the registered to 
    value is generally application specific.
    A typical example of a registered to claim includes following: 
    * client_id that the audience can use to authenticate and 
      identify the client.
    * A base64url encoded JWK. 
    * A URL that points to the key material that the audience can use to 
      authenticate the user of the JWT.
    4.1.10 "cit" (Client Identification Data claim type)
    The "cit" (Client Identification Data claim type) identifies the type 
    of the "cid" claim. It is a StringOrURI value. The defined values 
    are the following:
    "client_id" The value of the "cid" claim is the Client ID of the client 
    that the audience of the JWT is able to use to authenticate the client.
    "jwk" The value of the "cid" claim is a base64url encoded JWK of 
    the registered client.
    "jku" The value of the "cid" claim is the "jku" defined in 4.1.2 of 
    JSON web signature [JWS].
    "x5u" The value of the "cid" claim is the URL that points to the public 
    key certificate of the registered client. The format of the content 
    that x5u points to is described in section 4.1.4 of the JSON Web Signature.
  4. Michael Jones

    Per discussions on the 20-Dec-12 working group call, we are defining the optional "azp" (authorized party) claim in the ID Token to experiement with this functionality.

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