Registration - DoS Attack caused by Dynamic Registration?

Issue #758 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

It seems there are some concerns regarding the DoS attack caused by request_uri.

I wonder if DynReg would not cause the DoS attack as well.

If it does, we should add some comments in the security consideration section.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    It's definitely a concern. OAuth DynReg currently makes note of this potential attack and suggests rate-limiting and other common mitigations (section 3):

    In order to support open registration and facilitate wider interoperability, the Client Registration Endpoint SHOULD allow initial registration requests with no authentication. These requests MAY be rate-limited or otherwise limited to prevent a denial-of- service attack on the Client Registration Endpoint.

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Yes, if an OP is providing open registration, then at least some form of request throttling should be applied.

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