Messages - "sub" can be returned in Distributed UserInfo ?

Issue #805 resolved
hideki nara created an issue

When a RP is given an UserInfo including a token for Distributed clams stored in CP's UserInfo, "sub" can be returned in JWT?
"sub" may be PPID for CP and I think it should not be distributed to another party except the OP. Is there any way for CP to know if the UserInfo access_token is for distributed claims or normal ?

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Jones

    We will say that a "sub" claim should not be present in an aggregated claims set. However, in the distributed claims case there isn't an actual problem because the claims are returned directly to the RP. However, if a subject isn't needed, it shouldn't be provided. We will need to write more down about how to protect pseudonomy for the cases where that's a goal.

  2. hideki nara reporter

    Typical case may be the one where both a client and a claim provider are RPs of an OP. When my identifiers are PPIDs, I think that a client should not know my PPID in a claim provider.

    I think that, if the meta information of the access token tells that the request is distributed one, a claim provider may be able to disclose the PPID of user. Meta information can be provided as assertion tokens(JWT), or introspected at some issuer(OP)'s endpoints.

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