Migration - Disposition of the mbj comments on the Migration draft 03

Issue #940 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Editor has created a proposed dispostion of comments here for the Monday, Aug. 11 WG call discussion.

Also, there seems to be bunch of changes which are not associated with comments. They are not captured here.

Comments (27)

  1. Michael Jones

    mbj1 - I guess I'm OK if we explicitly define the term "Connect" as being a shorthand for "OpenID Connect" used in the context of this draft if we also note that the proper name of this family of standards is "OpenID Connect".

    mbj22 - I guess I'm OK with then defining the term "Connect OP" as "OpenID Connect OpenID Provider".

    mbj36 - You wrote: "Discuss. Editor feels that it was a bug of other specs to use ?rfc private=... directive in the XML source. It means that the draft is a private memo, which is not our intent. If this directive is removed, then this appears. It was the compromise of the Editor to put the text in. Editor welcomes a fixed version of the translater so that the proposed HTML can be produced. "

    I disagree with this. It doesn't matter at all whether we use ?rfc private=... in the XML source. What matters is the output from that XML source. Using this prevents output that we don't want or need in the output, which is a good thing. It also means that we don't have to maintain a non-standard tool chain, which is also a good thing.

    There's no compelling reason not to build and structure this spec in the same way we've built and structured the other OpenID Connect specs. But there is a compelling consistency argument to do it the same way, especially since it means we can use the standard versions of xml2rfc.

    Also see issue #945 for more discussion on this point.

  2. Michael Jones

    The text will say that OpenID Connect is a new version of OpenID Authentication.

    The rest will be resolved as recorded in the Disposition of Comments document.

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