Migration - (te) 7. What is pointed by 'it' is anmiguous

Issue #944 resolved
Ryo Ito created an issue

At, Section 2,

"If the authority section of Authorization Endpoint URI is different from the authority section of the OpenID 2.0 OP’s OP Endpoint URL, the client MUST issue a GET request to it with an Accept header set to application/json to obtain the value of iss claim in it."

It is not clear where Client sends a request to.

The client sends a request to openid2_id in the later example, and even Section 6 is written clearly.

"If the authority section of Authorization Endpoint URI is different from the authority section of the OpenID 2.0 OP’s OP Endpoint URL, the client MUST issue a GET request to the obtained verified claimed ID with an Accept header set to application/json to obtain the value of iss claim in it."

Comments (5)

  1. Nat Sakimura
    • changed status to open



    If the authority section of Authorization Endpoint URI is different from the authority section of the OpenID 2.0 OP’s OP Endpoint URL, the client MUST issue a GET request to the OpenID 2.0 Identifier obtained through the ID Token, i.e., the value of openid2_id, with an Accept header set to application/json to obtain the value of iss claim in it.

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