Error code claims_not_supported should have been defined

Issue #966 invalid
Michael Jones created an issue

Discovery defines the feature tests claims_parameter_supported. request_parameter_supported, and request_uri_parameter_supported. Core defines the error values request_not_supported and request_uri_not_supported but it does not define claims_not_supported.

This omission came to light while considering what the corresponding certification tests should do. We should correct it at some point.

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Jones reporter

    Adding this error response would contradict this text in the spec:

    "Should an OP not support this parameter and an RP uses it, the OP SHOULD return a set of Claims to the RP that it believes would be useful to the RP and the End-User using whatever heuristics it believes are appropriate."

    Note that RPs can tell whether OPs supporting discovery support this request parameter with the "claims_parameter_supported" discovery value, so having this error code wouldn't add much functionality anyway.

    We explicitly opted for functionality over adding this specific error. Therefore, I believe that we should resolve this issue as "invalid".

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