Core: IANA Consideration

Issue #1019 closed
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Authorization request parameter registration is needed.

We should register the top level JWT claims such as iss, aud, sub, and exp (and maybe other common JWT claims that are about the token itself like jti, iat, etc) as authorization request parameters in because the parameter names and claim names collide when using a request object.

Potentially, we may need to register everything in

Comments (9)

  1. Michael Jones

    Thanks - I will add registrations for the claims about the authentication. I'm thinking "iss", "aud", "sub", "exp", "iat", "nbf", "jti", and "cnf".

  2. Nat Sakimura reporter

    For JAR, only the missing parameters for core OAuth are

    • response_type
    • redirect_uri
    • state

    For OIDC

    • display
    • prompt
    • max_age
    • ui_locales
    • id_token_hint
    • login_hint
    • acr_values

    A meta question would be what to do with other extensions like PKCE etc.

  3. Nat Sakimura reporter

    I did a bit of study on the diff between the OAuth Authz Req Parameters and JWT Claims in the JAR context. Here is the result. These are the claims not in the JWT Claims registry.

  4. Brian Campbell

    I really don’t think we want to or need to pollute the JWT claims registry with all the OAuth Authz Req Parameters.

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