example response for Hybrid flow is lacking token_type

Issue #1028 closed
Hans Zandbelt created an issue

The non-normative example of a successful authentication response for the hybrid flow in section http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#HybridAuthResponse is lacking the required token_type parameter. The fact that this parameter is required follows out of the text before but should be added in the example as not to confuse implementers. See also: https://github.com/openid-certification/oidctest/issues/104

Comments (7)

  1. Brian Campbell

    Pretty sure the example is okay. token_type is only returned alongside the access_token parameter. The example only has the id_token and code. That implies that the response_type value used in the request was code id_token, which is not a case where access_token and token_type are in the response from the authorization endpoint.

  2. Hans Zandbelt reporter

    Right.... I think my brain is not quite OK . yet... I'll check the implementation on our side. Thanks :-)

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