The role of non-standard scopes

Issue #1051 resolved
Roland Hedberg created an issue

Everyone that has worked with OIDC has assumed that there will be non-standard claims added to the userinfo response. Together with this it's reasonable to assumed that we will also seen non-standard scope values that like some of the standard ones (profile, email, ..) can be used to request that a specific set of information should be available as Claim Values.

With that in mind the sentence 'Using the claims parameter is the only way to request Claims outside the standard set.' at the end of section 5.5 is obviously incorrect.

I think that sentence should just be removed.

Comments (6)

  1. Filip Skokan

    Everyone that has worked with OIDC has assumed that there will be non-standard claims added to the userinfo response. Together with this it's reasonable to assumed that we will also seen non-standard scope values that like some of the standard ones (profile, email, ..) can be used to request that a specific set of information should be available as Claim Values.

    node oidc-provider allows the OP to be configured exactly like this, define supported scope values (static and dynamic), define claims, define their mapping, this way the developers can provide the standard ones as well as non-standard. A claim that doesn't have a scope mapping can then only be requested using the claims parameter.

    I think that sentence should just be removed.

    I agree.

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