Core 5.6.2. Aggregated and Distributed Claims text lacks guidance on signature validation

Issue #1066 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

Section 5.6.2 of the OpenID Connect Core spec does not specify how the RP is supposed to check the signature of a nested JWT containing aggregated claims.

Based on a discussion on the list, I suggest to add text that the JWT SHOULD contain an iss claim which is used to obtain the other claims provider’s JWKS URI.

Comments (10)

  1. Michael Jones

    Per the discussion on the list, we should recommend that the issuer value always be included in the resulting JWTs.

  2. Pawel Kowalik

    One additional aspect in this respect is how Claims Provider shall deal with signing/encryption expectations of the clients which register dynamically at the OP.

  3. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    we need some text about the HTTP method to be used to retrieve distributed claims

  4. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    we need to consider replay protection for aggregated claims, for example an RP could extract the aggregated claims (a JWT) and use it to poss as the legitimate user some place else.

  5. Marcos Sanz

    I support the initial suggestion to add “JWT SHOULD contain an iss” and modify the examples to include it (the same way we included the “sub”). Would it help to issue a Pull Request with concrete text to start progress on this?

  6. Michael Jones

    As discussed on the 31-Jul-23 call, I plan to create a PR saying that an “iss” SHOULD be present so that keys can be retrieved for signature validation.

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