policy_uri, tos_uri, logo_uri missing in IANA JWT claims registry

Issue #1083 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue
  • policy_uri
  • tos_uri
  • logo_uri

while they are referred to in OIDC Core 1.0 and DynReg,they are not registered to https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml

Is it not a bug?

Comments (8)

  1. Michael Jones

    Mike will check whether this has already been done in the errata drafts or not, and if not, will do so.

  2. Brian Campbell

    Do you really mean the JWT claims registry here? I’m not sure that makes sense. Maybe in the context of a software statement (which is only a thing in the IETF client registration). But there are a bunch of others missing too.

  3. Michael Jones

    These are already registered in the OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Metadata registry at https://www.iana.org/assignments/oauth-parameters/oauth-parameters.xhtml#client-metadata. (Also, the op_policy_uri, op_tos_uri values are registered in the OAuth Authorization Server Metadata registry at https://www.iana.org/assignments/oauth-parameters/oauth-parameters.xhtml#authorization-server-metadata.) It seems to me that this issue can be closed on this basis.

  4. Michael Jones

    Reviewing this again, I cannot find places where these identifiers are used as JWT claims. I believe that this issue should be closed on that basis.

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