Registration - 2 - Client metadata Redirect_uris as OPTIONAL

Issue #1090 resolved
alexandre faria created an issue

Currently the redirect_uris client metadata is set as REQUIRED, which seems obvious according to the grant_types description which focus only on authorization_code and implicit.

But according to the Discovery specification, we may support other grant types. If we support the client_credentials grant type, there is no need of redirect_uris.

Could we update the specification in order to put this metadata as optional only if a supported grant_type has been requested and that does not require redirect_uris matching.

If we do so, then that impact also the response_types and grant_types that should not respectively be set to code & authorization_code by default.

Especially that having authorization_code and client_credentials on the same client is not recommended. We should then add a security appendix for advising not to mix in the same client some grant type that required a redirect_uri and some others that do not. Ex: do not mix authorization_code and client_credentials in the same client.

Comments (4)

  1. Filip Skokan

    While the property is required it’s okay for it to be empty. E.g. to register a device flow client one would send a payload like this

      grant_types: ['urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code', 'refresh_token'],
      response_types: [],
      redirect_uris: [],
      token_endpoint_auth_method: 'none',
      application_type: 'native'

    It’s similar with client_credentials (change the auth method, replace grant types, remove application type?).

  2. alexandre faria reporter

    Thanks for your response, I am trying this on several open source solutions, but I have in all case this kind of responses :

    "redirect_uris": [],
    "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
    "grant_types": [
    "response_types": [

    Do you know any compliant openid provider that is able to handle this topic?

    Thanks a lot for your help,


  3. Filip Skokan

    e.g., where a property’s default value is only applied when the property is missing from the request, as i believe it should be

    npm i -g openid-client-cli
    openid-client create response_types=[] redirect_uris=[] grant_types=[client_credentials] | jq
    # omitting irrelevant properties from the response
    # {
    #   "grant_types": [
    #     "client_credentials"
    #   ],
    #   "response_types": [],
    #   "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_basic",
    #   "client_id_issued_at": 1559119533,
    #   "client_id": "w_hDN6mt7SL94XLPnRJmt",
    #   "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
    #   "client_secret": "OrnnAIBeWe-1vjJAhuqhb8cZeLOZMKp-2vkYOWdXhpLdXfotMhH6g9uFCoH6hNx8x67ESIAGaALxVfEs3mqtpA",
    #   "redirect_uris": []
    # }
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