value and values processing and certification

Issue #1152 resolved
Victor Herraiz created an issue

is it required to understand and process value/values member in every claim to have a certified implementation?

Comments (4)

  1. Joseph Heenan

    I think the answer is ‘no’, but you I guess you may have a specific case in mind - in which you may get a more helpful answer if you ask a more specific question.

  2. Victor Herraiz reporter

    Issue #1114

    The documentation (5.5.1. Individual Claims Requests) define value/values as optional and add a couple of examples. My question is that an OP server that does not understand or process those members in any way (but “sub”) could comply with the certification tests. For example, in the RP calls something like: “given_name”: { “value”: “Joseph” }.

  3. Joseph Heenan

    To the best of my knowledge, the certification tests don’t request any claims like that. I think the only relevant test makes a claim for ‘name’ as essential but with no requested value/values.

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