Federation: Jwks not really needed in explicit registration statement returned to RP

Issue #1177 resolved
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

In explicit registration the OP returns an entity statement to the RP where the RP is the subject and the metadata policy is used to compose the final client registration JSON object.


According to the entity statement spec the jwks claim is required, but in this particular use of the statement - to return the client information to the RP, it’s not really needed since it’s the RPs own data.


Comments (3)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov reporter

    Thanks. Here is one suggested wording to update the jwks spec (added a second sentence):

    OPTIONAL. A JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) representing the public part of the subject entity's signing keys. REQUIRED in all entity statements except those issued by an OP for a RP in response to an explicit client registration request as specified in Section 9.2. The corresponding private key is used by leaf entities to sign entity statements about themselves, and intermediate entities to sign statements about other entities. The keys that can be found here are primarily intended to sign entity statements and should not be used in other protocols.

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