Federation: Allow request_object auth method at PAR endpoint

Issue #1195 closed
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

So that request objects can be used with PAR endpoint as well as at the AR endpoint.


Suggested change:

If pushed authorization is used then one of private_key_jwt, request_object, tls_client_auth and self_signed_tls_client_auth can be used.

Comments (8)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov reporter

    @Brian Campbell Good point. The OIDC Fed request object extends the original OIDC request object with aud(=PAR endpoint), iss=(client_id), jti and exp to make it almost a private_key_jwt (but omits sub to prevent confusion, which was the subject of another ticket I believe).

    Do you reckon we should change the term request_object to something more appropriate?

    The current draft 12 does indeed talk about “client authentication” under client_registration_authn_methods_supported , but this can be true only for the PAR endpoint. “Client registration authentication methods” or “client registration request authentication methods” should be the term to use.


  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov reporter

    Or simply “request authentication” method?

    Because with the request_object (at the authz endpoint) we have a JWT authenticating the authZ, plus the implicit registration request.

  3. Roland Hedberg

    Agree, request_object is not a client authentication method.

    But it is used in a client authentication method. Basically as a proof-of-possession of a signing key that the client have published.

    Picking another name (then request_object) is a good thing.

    request_object_based_client_auth is a bit long but catches the important thing.

  4. Brian Campbell

    I guess I’d continue to advocate that things be kept distinct. Don’t try and make a singed request object into a form of client authentication for direct client to AS requests.

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