Impact of Implicit Grant Removal in OAuth 2.1

Issue #1200 open
Ryo Ito created an issue

One developer asked me about the synchronization of the OIDC and OAuth 2.1 specifications.
'If Implicit Grant is omit in OAuth 2.1, what will happen to OIDC's Hybrid Flow?'

He is concerned that of the multiple Response Type combinations defined in "OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type Encoding Practices", only "code id_token" will be allowed to be used.

The summary is here.

Will OIDC continue to allow the use of "token id_token" and "code token id_token"?
If not, what changes will be required for RPs using Hybrid Flow?

Comments (5)

  1. Ryo Ito reporter

    Yes, I agree with that.

    • ID Token via Front Channel : Required in the case of authentication without a token endpoint or as a detached signature.
    • Access Token via Front Channel : This is excluded in OAuth 2.1 but Hybrid Flow uses it now.

    I think only the latter Access Token should be excluded, but if so, do we need a new definition of how to get an Access Token in both FE/BE applications at the same time?

  2. Michael Jones

    OpenID Connect uses OAuth 2.0 - not OAuth 2.1 - so OAuth 2.1 won’t directly affect OpenID Connect. That said, OAuth 2.1 is not supposed to introduce any breaking changes, and so the parts of OAuth 2.1 that correspond to to parts of OAuth 2.0 should remain compatible with OpenID Connect.

  3. Nat Sakimura
    • changed status to open

    OAuth 2.1 is putting non-normative text clarifying that removal is asking for access token being returned from the token endpoint. The text has not gotten into OAuth 2.1 draft yet so we should monitor it using this ticket.

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