Registration in SIOP is better described as "negotiation"

Issue #1211 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

The process of RP sending supported configuration metadata to Self-Issued OP and Self-Issued OP checking if it supports the same configuration parameters is currently called “registration“ in SIOP, inspired by dynamic discovery spec, but it was mentioned that “negotiation“ is a more accurate term since neither RP nor Self-Issued OP are required to store any configuration information of each other and rather negotiate per transaction to establish ad hoc trust.

Proposal would be to change the reference to “registration” in the spec text to “negotiation” including parameter names

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Jones

    OpenID Connect uses the terms “discovery” and “registration” consistently across the specifications. I would only cause confusion to rename “registration” to “negotiation” in some cases.

    However, it’s perfectly reasonable to have the text describing the uses of “discovery” and “registration” to say that they are used, in part, to achieve negotiation of supported parameters and values.

  2. Kristina Yasuda reporter
    • changed status to open

    Agreed that there is no need to change the common terminology “Registration“.

    In the SIOP call in the week of 2021-05-17, it has been discussed that “Automatic Registration” term defined in OpenID Connect Federation 1.0 - draft 15 also applies in SIOP use-cases, but probably not always.

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