`sub` or `op_sub`?

Issue #1247 new
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Line 540 says:

1. MUST contain *sub* claim that is set to the *uid* claim value if it was in the request;

Maybe it should be op_sub or something instead. Current OIDC Core 1.0 states in 5.6.2:

The JWT SHOULD NOT contain a sub (subject) Claim unless its value is an identifier for the End-User at the Claims Provider (and not for the OpenID Provider or another party); this typically means that a sub Claim SHOULD NOT be provided.

Just omitting sub like this text however is a bit problematic as it is a statement about a subject and without it, it can be prone to a token swap attack, e.g., a malicious SIOP user using a JWT that describes somebody else.

Tobias Looker


In general I think this constraint is only one way to suitably bind a claim set to the OP presenting it, I would expect to see this constraint relaxed overtime as we get into more details around different approaches to binding, for instance W3C VC’s and mDL’s tend to opt for a model that leverages cryptography to bind the claim set (credential) to the OP (holder)

Nat Sakimura

5 days ago

@Tobias Looker ​Indeed. This is where I want your subsequent PRs to address. This is just the placeholder for the expansion

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